Alnoor University - College of Education
Dept. of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

About the Department

The Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences dates back to its establishment in 2013. It admits students from various pathways who have completed their secondary education in both morning and evening studies. Over four years of study, students are prepared to graduate as qualified holders of a bachelor's degree in this specialization.

Department Objectives

Preparing and qualifying graduates to manage sports activities and physical education classes in middle and high schools, as well as in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Conducting scientific research and field studies in the area of specialization. Engaging with peer colleges and professional associations in physical education both domestically and internationally to establish a foundation for collaborative work in scientific research.

Department Vision

The Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Education, Alnoor University, aspires to leadership, excellence, and innovation, contributing to the establishment of a robust educational system. It aims to prepare and qualify an aware and scientifically cultured generation of male and female students, capable of advancing knowledge in its various branches and elevating it to new heights.

Department Mission

Qualifying students academically, educationally, socially, and ethically to lead and develop their communities, as well as transferring knowledge and modern scientific techniques in all fields of physical education. The department also aims to enhance all students' skills through scientific research to achieve genuine outcomes and foundations in the academic journey.

Graduate Description

A graduate of the Physical Education Department is qualified to teach sports-related subjects in schools and to work in various sports activities, including individual and team training, officiating different games, physiotherapy, and managing sports and fitness centers.

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First Stage
Course Name No. of Units
basketball ٤
Football/ Male Students Pentathlon / Female Students ٤
Arabic Language ٤
Scouts and Guides ٢
Track and Field ٤
Weightlifting /Males Students Physical Fitness\ Female Students ٢
English language ٤
Computer ٣
Human Rights ٢
History and Philosophy of Physical Education ٤
Anatomy ٤
Second Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Track and Field ٢
basketball ٢
Computer ٢
Teaching Methods ٢
Volleyball ٤
Handball ٤
Gymnastics - Apparatus ٢
Measurement and Evaluation ٤
Biomechanics ٤
Statistics ٤
Sports Training Science ٤
Third Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Handball ٢
Racket Sports ٢
Teaching Methods ٦
Football for Male Students / Physical Fitness for Female Students ٢
Sports Physiology ٤
Volleyball ٢
Gymnastics - Apparatus ٢
Sports Training Science ٤
Motor Learning ٤
Scientific Research ٤
Fencing ٢
Observation and Application ٤
Track and Field ٢
Fourth Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Handball ٢
Racket Sports ٢
Research Project ٤
Sports Psychology ٤
Sports Medicine ٤
Volleyball ٢
Football for Male Students\ Gymnastics for Female Students ٢
Management and Organization ٤
basketball ٢
Track and Field ٢
Motion Analysis ٤
Application ٤
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Explanation of the Basic Skills of Fencing



Referee Signals in Basketball



Mechanics of Officiating in Basketball



Volleyball Rules



Referee Signals in Volleyball



Table Tennis Rules



Management and Organization / Conducting the Draw



Court Measurements (Volleyball)



Basketball Skills



Weightlifting (Snatch)


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Titles of Fourth-Year Research Projects for the Year (2020-2021)

Instructor Name

Research Title


Asst. Lect. Othman Ahmed

Methods of Coping with Psychological Stress Among First Division Football Club Players in Nineveh Governorate


Asst. Lect. Mohamed Samir

Assessment of Psychological Resilience Among Students of the Physical Education Department at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Obay Muath

Psychological Endurance Among Students of the Physical Education Department at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Obay Muath

Emotional Maturity Among Students of the Physical Education Department at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar

Sports Institutional Distinction of the Physical Education Department from the Perspective of Fourth-Year Students


Asst. Lect. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar

Organizational Conflict Among Football Club Presidents in Nineveh Governorate


Asst. Lect. Hossam Ali Ghanem

A Comparative Study of Some Aspects of Attention Among Students of the Physical Education Department at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Hossam Ali Ghanem

A Comparison of Personality Traits Between Students of the Physical Education Department and the English Language Department at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Salih Mahmoud

Emotional Arousal Among Players at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Salih Mahmoud

Self-Awareness Among Players at Al-Noor University College


Dr. Ahmed Salim

The Effectiveness of Geometric Shapes on the Accuracy of the Side Throw Test Performance Among Football Players


Dr. Ahmed Salim

A Comparative Study of Defensive Tactical Thinking in Football Among Some Clubs in Nineveh Governorate


Dr. Ibrahim Hassan

Evaluation of First Aid Services in Sports Clubs in Nineveh Governorate


Dr. Ibrahim Hassan

A Comparative Study of the Morphology of the Sacral Curvature Between Horizontal Position Training (Swimming) and Vertical Position Training (Handball)


Asst. Lect. Ashraf Majed

A Comparative Study of Some Physical Abilities and Basic Skills of the Players of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences Department / University of Mosul Football Futsal and Outdoor Football Teams


Asst. Lect. Ashraf Majed

The Relationship Between Some Personality Traits and Shyness Among First-Year Female Students at the Physical Education College / University of Mosul


Asst. Lect. Ahmed Yaqdan

The Contribution of Some Speed Elements to the Rolling and Scoring Skills Among Futsal Players


Asst. Lect. Ahmed Yaqdan

The Effect of Anaerobic Lactic Effort on Scoring Accuracy Among Duhok Football Club Players


Asst. Lect. Mahmoud Abdulalli

A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction Between Male and Female Physical Education Teachers in the Center of Mosul City


Asst. Lect. Mahmoud Abdulalli

Predicting Skill Performance Based on Several Skill Tests in Volleyball Among Students of the Physical Education Department at Al-Noor University College


Dr. Muwaffaq Saeed Ahmed

A Comparative Study of Some Aspects of Muscular Strength Among Students of Al-Noor University College


Dr. Muwaffaq Saeed Ahmed

A Comparative Study of Maximum Speed Among Students of Different Levels at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Nabaa Ghazi Faisal

Creative Leadership Among Faculty Members of Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Nabaa Ghazi Faisal

Effectiveness of Creative Self Among Team Sport Players at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Lect. Omar Mujahid

Personality Traits of Physical Education Department Teachers and the Traits Preferred by Fourth-Year Students


Asst. Lect. Omar Mujahid

Emotional Intelligence Among Coaches of the University Sports Unit Directorate at Al-Noor University College


Asst. Prof. Dr. Kisra Ahmed

Body Composition and Its Relationship to the Shoulder Stand Movement with Inward Sections on the Parallel Bars Apparatus


Asst. Prof. Dr. Kisra Ahmed

Explosive Power of the Lower Limbs and Its Relationship to Performance in the High Jump Event


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No. of hours No. of Units Instructor  Name Course Name   No
4 4 Asst. Lect. Ahmed Yaqdan Football / Male Students Futsal / Female Students 1.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Muayyad Fadil Hussein   Weightlifting / Male Students Physical Fitness / Female Students 2.
2 4  Asst. Lect. Suhaib Hussein Arabic Language   3.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Husam Nawfal   English language 4.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Rahma Salwan Mahmoud Asst. Lect. Manhal Younis Mahmoud   Scouts and Guides 5.
2 3 Asst. Lect. Abdul Qader Faris   Computer 6.
2 4 Dr. Ahmed Saeed Rashid   History and Philosophy of Physical Education 7.
2 4 Dr. Mohamed Samir Anaz   Anatomy 8.
4 4 Asst. Lect. Omar Taha Mohammed Ali   basketball 9.
4 4 Asst. Prof. Dr. Kisra Ahmed Fathy Asst. Lect. Manhal Younis Mahmoud   Track and Field 10.
1 2 Asst. Lect. Qaydar Ahmed   Human Rights 11.
2 2 Prof. Dr. Aref Mohsen Ibrahim (Students) Asst. Prof. Haifa Hadi Saleh (Female Students) Swimming 12.
Second Stage
No. of hours No. of Units Instructor Name Course Name   No
4 4 Asst. Lect. Khalid Hasan Mohammed Saleh Handball 1.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Omar Taha Mohammed Ali basketball 2.
4 4 Asst. Prof. Dr. Kisra Ahmed Fathi Asst. Lect. Karam Emad Fathy (Female Students) Gymnastics - Male and Female Students 3.
2                    2                   Dr. Ahmed Saeed Fathy                     Teaching Methods 4.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Ahmed Yaqdan Statistics 5.
4 4 Asst. Lect. Khalid Hasan Mohammed Salih Volleyball 6.
2 4 Prof. Dr. Aref Mohsen Ibrahim Biomechanics 7.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Haifa Hadi Saleh Measurement and Evaluation 8.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Yahya Racket Sports (Table Tennis) 9.
2 4 Dr. Omar Salim Hamed Sports Training 10.
4 4 Asst. Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Saeed Ahmed Track and Field 11.
1 2 Asst. Lect. Qaydar Ahmed Baathist Crimes 12.
Second Stage
No. of hours No. of Units Instructor Name   Course Name No
2 2 Asst. Lect. Khalid Hasan Mohammed Salih   Handball 1.
2 2 Dr. Riyad Rajab Hussein   Racket Sports 2.
 4 (2 Practical - 2 Theoretical)   6 Dr. Mohamed Samir Anaz   Teaching Methods 3.
2 2 Dr. Omar Salim Hamed   Football for Male & Female Students 4.
2 4 Dr. Mohamed Samir Anaz   Sports Physiology 5.
2 2 Khalid Hasan Mohammed Salih   Volleyball 6.
2 2 Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Ahmed (Students) Asst. Lect. Abeer Waad Allah Bakr               Gymnastics - Apparatus / Male and Female Students 7.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Faris Fadel Hussein   Injury Rehabilitation 8.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Haifa Hadi Saleh Motor Learning   9.
2 4 Dr. Omar Mohi El-Din Hafez   Scientific Research 10.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Faris Fadel Hussein   Fencing 11.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Muayyad Fadil Hussein (Male Students) Asst. Lect. Rahma Salwan Mahmoud   Wrestling / Male Students Rhythmic Gymnastics / Female Students   12.
Third Stage
No. of hours No. of Units Instructor Name   Course Name No
2 2 Asst. Lect. Khalid Hasan Mohammed Salih   Handball 1.
2 2 Dr. Riyad Rajab Hussein   Racket Sports 2.
 4 (2 Practical - 2 Theoretical)   6 Dr. Mohamed Samir Anaz   Teaching Methods 3.
2 2 Dr. Omar Salim Hamed   Football for Male & Female Students 4.
2 4 Dr. Mohamed Samir Anaz   Sports Physiology 5.
2 2 Khalid Hasan Mohammed Salih   Volleyball 6.
2 2 Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Ahmed (Male Students) Asst. Lect. Abeer Waad Allah Bakr              Gymnastics - Apparatus / Male and Female Students 7.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Faris Fadel Hussein   Injury Rehabilitation 8.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Haifa Hadi Saleh Motor Learning   9.
2 4 Dr. Omar Mohi El-Din Hafez   Scientific Research 10.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Faris Fadel Hussein   Fencing 11.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Muayyad Fadil Hussein (Male Students) Asst. Lect. Rahma Salwan Mahmoud   Wrestling / Male Students Rhythmic Gymnastics / Female Students   12.
Fourth Stage
No. of hours No. of Units Instructor Name Course Name   No
2 2 Asst. Lect. Obay Moath Mohammed Younis   Handball 1.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Yahya   Racket Sports 2.
2 4     Research Project 3.
2 4 Dr. Ahmed Saeed Rashid   Sports Psychology 4.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Faris Fadel Hussein   Sports Medicine 5.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Obay Moath Mohammed Younis   Volleyball 6.
2 2 Dr. Omar Salem Hamed Asst. Lect. Abeer Waad Allah Bakr   Football for Male Students / Gymnastics for Female Students 7.
2 4 Asst. Lect. Abeer Waad Allah Bakr   Management and Organization 8.
2 2 Asst. Lect. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Yahya   basketball 9.
2 2 Asst. Prof. Dr. Muwaffaq Saeed Ahmed   Track and Field 10.
2 4 Prof. Dr. Aref Mohsen Ibrahim   Motion Analysis 11.
2 4     Application 12.
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