Alnoor University - College of Education
Department of English Language

About the Department

The department was established in 2013 with the vision of selecting the best modern teaching methods and providing educational directorates with highly qualified teaching staff who can offer valuable service to the nation and its citizens. It also aims to develop the teaching staff to equip students with skills and scientific expertise in the field of language. Its mission is to graduate competent teachers who contribute to the scientific journey, equipped with modern teaching methods and the use of audiovisual aids to teach the English language. The department awards a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature.

Department Objectives

The aim of this department is to prepare graduates who hold a Bachelor's degree in English Language, qualified to meet the local community's needs for teachers at the intermediate and preparatory levels. These graduates will be experienced and trained in teaching English, ready to work in both the public and private sectors.

Department Vision

The department's strategy aligns with the rapid developments in the field of teaching English, as it is a global language and the language of instruction for all branches of science and knowledge worldwide. The department regularly reviews the approved curricula in an organized manner to update the quality and content of the courses in line with the latest developments. Additionally, the teaching programs for all subjects adhere to quality standards. The department also closely monitors all semester activities.

Department Mission

The Department of English Language focuses on teaching students the latest curricula in the fields of English language and literature, as well as methods of teaching them. Students in the department learn the rules of English language and literature through four academic stages. They study all branches of English grammar, pronunciation, essay writing, and all areas of English literature. Additionally, they are introduced to various methods of teaching the English language.

Graduate Description

A graduate of the Department of English Language is qualified to work as a language teacher in various schools, whether public or private. Additionally, they can work as a translator from and to the English language. Mastery of the language also enables them to work in any institution that requires proficiency in another language.

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First Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٥
Phonetics ٥
Introduction to Literature ٥
Composition ٣
Comprehension ٣
Conversation ٢
Arabic Language ٤
Computers ٣
Educational Psychology ٤
Foundations of Education ٤
Human rights and democracy ٢
Second Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٥
Phonetics ٥
Composition ٣
Comprehension ٣
Drama ٥
Poetry ٤
Short Story ٤
Conversation ٢
Growth Psychology ٤
Management ٤
Computers ٣
Third Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٥
Linguistics ٥
Essay ٣
Novel ٥
Drama ٥
Poetry ٤
Curricula and Teaching Methods ٤
Conversation ٢
Educational Guidance ٢
Scientific Research Approach ٣
Fourth Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٥
Linguistics ٤
Drama ٤
Novel ٥
Poetry ٥
Assessment ٤
Optional Subject ٤
Observation and Application ٤
Graduate Research ٢
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NoDepartmentMode of StudyFull nameAttemptGrade
FirstEnglish languageMorningHaneen Abdulhakim Thamer Nasser Firstexcellence
SecondEnglish languageMorningHaneen Moataz Ahmed Taha FirstVery Good
ThirdEnglish languageMorningLarsa Raad Salem Hanna FirstVery Good

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NoWebsite NameLink
1موقع English Club
2يتضمّن الموقع قائمة لا نهائية من مواضيع القواعد التي تساعدك على فهم أيّ جانب من قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية التي لا تستطيع فهمها.
3Grammar Quizzes
4هو موقع يساعدك على تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية ضمن فترات قصيرة لا تزيد مدّتها عن خمس دقائق في كلّ مرّة، حيث أنّ كلّ شيء فيه مقسّم إلى وحدات صغيرة سهلة الفهم.
5يعتبر هذا الموقع من أمتع مواقع اللغة الإنجليزية التي تساعدك على تطوير قدراتك وإثراء مخزونك من المفردات والكلمات.
6إن كنت تواجه صعوبة أثناء محاضراتك في الاستماع والكتابة في الوقت ذاته، فهذا الموقع سيحلّ مشكلتك. إنه مكان رائع لتدريب مهاراتك من خلال تدريبات الإملاء والاستماع المختلفة.
7لا أحد يجهل موقع BBC الشهير للأخبار، حيث يمكن العثور هنا على العديد من المراجع الصوتية التي تساعدك في تطوير مهاراتك في اللغة الإنجليزية بالإضافة إلى البقاء على اطّلاع بما يدور من حولك.
8يصلك هذا الموقع بالعديد من مواقع محطّات الراديو الناطقة بالإنجليزية، ويمكنك اختيار منها ما يناسبك والاستماع إلى البرامج التي تستهويك
9سيعرّفك هذا الموقع على أهمّ الأخطاء الشائعة في استخدام قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية، ويضمن لك عدم تكرار أيّ خطأ نحوي مستقبلاً.
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The first stage (2023-2024) / annually
No. of Units Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic Instructor Name No
5 English Grammar النحو الانكليزي (1) Asst. Prof. Dr. Youssef Hamdy Fathy Asst. Lect. Rami Mohamed Abdullah 1.
5 Phonetics علم الأصوات اللغوية  Prof. Dr. Mohammad Basil Qasim Asst. Lect. Fatima Saad Saleh 2.
3 Composition Writing 1 الإنشاء Dr. Ahmed Abduladheem Asst. Lect. Noor Ali Suleiman 3.
3 Reading 1 Comprehension Asst. Lect. Abdullah Abdulal Asst. Lect. Mustafa Mahmoud Noaman Asst. Lect. Omayma Akram Abdul-Baqi 4.
3 Listening and Speaking 1 المحادثة والاستماع (1) Asst. Lect. Manhal Ibrahim Abdullah Asst. Lect. Hussam Naufal Fadel 5.
5 Introduction to Literature مقدمة في الأدب Lect. Shatha Aman Allah Ghaziz Asst. Lect. Karam Hashim Sultan 6.
4 Arabic Arabic Language Dr. Hajer 7.
3 Computer حاسوب Asst. Lect. Hamza 8.
2 Human Rights and Democracy حقوق الإنسان والديمقراطية Asst. Lect. Qaydar 9.
4 Fundamentals of Education Foundations of Education Asst. Lect. Sarah Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Asst. Lect. Reem Anwar Mohammed 1.
4 Educational Psychology Educational Psychology Asst. Lect. Amira Faris Hamad Asst. Lect. Reem Anwar Mohammed   2.
The second stage (2023-2024) / annually
No. of Units Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic Instructor Name No
5 Morphology and Syntax النحو الانكليزي (2) Dr. Nadhim Younis Saleh 1.
5 English Phonology النظام الصوتي Asst. Lect. Fatima Saad Salih 2.
3 An Introduction to Academic Writing الكتابة الاكاديمية Asst. Prof. Mohammed Taher Sattam Abdulaziz 3.
3 Advanced Reading الاستيعاب (2) Asst. Lect. Rakan Asi Khalaf 4.
4 Short Story الأدب القصصي Asst. Lect. Mahmood Waleed Hashim 5.
4 Poetry 16th to 18th Century Poetry Lect. Muyassar Qasim Thanon 6.
4 One Act Play and Elizabethan Drama (1) المسرحية (1) Asst. Prof. Azhar Suleiman Saleh 7.
3 Listening and Speaking 2 المحادثة والاستماع (2) Asst. Lect. Noor Ali Suleiman 8.
4 Adult Education تعليم الكبار Asst. Lect. Sarah Mohammed Abdulrazzaq 9.
4 An Introduction to EFL مقدمة في طرائق تدريس اللغة الانكليزية Prof. Dr. Basem Yahya Jassim 10.
The Third stage (2023-2024) / annually
No. of Units Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic Instructor Name No
5 Contemporary English of Grammar (1) النحو الانكليزي (3) Dr. Nadhim Younis Saleh 1.
5 Linguistics I علم اللغة (1) Dr. Wadallah Younis Mohammed 2.
2 Listening and Speaking 3 المحادثة والاستماع (3) Asst. Lect. Fatima Saad Salih 3.
3 Writing Academic English Essay Asst. Prof. Dr. Nidaa Salem Omar 4.
5 Victorian Novel (1830-1900) الرواية الفكتورية (1) Lect. Shatha Aman Allah Aziz 5.
5 Renaissance Drama (16-18th Century)   مسرح عصر النهضة (2) Asst. Prof. Azhar Suleiman Saleh 6.
5 Romantic and Victorian Poetry (1780-1900) الشعر الرومانسي والفيكتوري (2) Asst. Prof. Essam Mohamed Mahmoud 7.
4 Curricula and Methods of Teaching Curricula and Teaching Methods Dr. Saad Saleh Hamad 8.
4 Counseling and Mental health الإرشاد والصحة النفسية Asst. Lect. Amera Faris Hamou 9.
The forth stage (2023-2024) / annually
No. of Units Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic Instructor Name No
5 Contemporary Grammar of English (2) النحو الانكليزي (4) Dr. Wadallah Younis Mohammed 1.
5 Linguistics II علم اللغة (2) Prof. Dr. Mohammed Basil Qasim 2.
5 Modern Novel الرواية الحديثة Asst. Lect. Mahmood Waleed Hashim 3.
5 Modern Drama المسرحية الحديثة Lect. Muyassar Qasim Thanon 4.
4 Modern Poetry الشعر الحديث Asst. Prof. Essam Mohamed Mahmoud 5.
3 Translation المادة الاختيارية (الترجمة) Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassib Elias Majeed 6.
3 Graduation Research Graduate Research 7.
4 Practicum and EFL Classroom Practices Observation and Application Dr. Ahmed Abduladheem Abdullah 8.
4 Test Design and Assessment الاختبارات اللغوية Asst. Lect. Mustafa Mahmoud Noaman 9.
3 Advanced Listening and Speaking المحادثة والاستماع (4) Asst. Lect. Manhal Ibrahim Abdullah 10.
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Students NameCollegeMode of StudyDepartmentAcademic year
Eman Jassim Mohammed SaadounAl-Noor University CollegeEveningEnglish language2021 / 2022
Maryam Wael Youssef HabibAl-Noor University CollegeMorningEnglish language2021 / 2022
Mirna Khalis Youssef YaqoubAl-Noor University CollegeMorningEnglish language2021 / 2022

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Students NameCollegeMode of StudyDepartmentAcademic year
Asala Saleh Younis Mahmoud Al-SultanAl-Noor University CollegeMorningEnglish language2017 / 2018
Shaker Mahmoud Darwish Ali Al-JifriAl-Noor University CollegeEveningEnglish language2017 / 2018
Zian Hasan Jundi Hasan KhalityAl-Noor University CollegeMorningEnglish language2017 / 2018

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Students NameCollegeMode of StudyDepartmentAcademic year
Sirwan Faisal Jassim Hussein Al- KhalityAl-Noor University CollegeEveningEnglish language2016 / 2017
Zidane Shamdeen Hasso Khalash KhalityAl-Noor University CollegeMorningEnglish language2016 / 2017
Asaad Masoud Fadhel Dawood Al-ShabakiAl-Noor University CollegeEveningEnglish language2016 / 2017

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