Alnoor University - College of Education
Department of Arabic Language

About the Department

The Arabic Language Department at Al-Noor University is one of the first departments established in the academic year 2013-2014. The program follows the structure of education colleges across Iraqi universities. Over the course of four years, students receive instruction in Arabic language grammar and literature to qualify them to teach Arabic in intermediate and secondary schools. This ensures a connection between the rich heritage and literary legacy of the Arabic language and its present.

Department Objectives

The department aspires to prepare a generation that is academically and culturally proficient, deeply connected to the nation's heritage, and committed to elevating the Arabic language in speech and writing. This generation will be capable of enhancing the language's status among the world's advanced languages. Arabic, as the tool of thought, ensures the expression and development of ideas. Since thought is ever-evolving, the language must also continuously grow and refine its capabilities to effectively convey and develop new ideas.

Department Vision

The department aims to strengthen the creativity of Arabic language students, ensuring that its use is not limited to general everyday purposes. Instead, it aspires to nurture generations of innovators in all linguistic and literary fields, reflecting the level of creativity found in advanced nations.

Department Mission

The department aspires to prepare a generation that is academically and culturally proficient, deeply connected to the nation's heritage, and committed to elevating the Arabic language in speech and writing. This generation will be capable of enhancing the language's status among the world's advanced languages. Arabic, as the tool of thought, ensures the expression and development of ideas. Since thought is ever-evolving, the language must also continuously grow and refine its capabilities to effectively convey and develop new ideas.

Graduate Description

A graduate of the Arabic Language Department is qualified to work in various fields, including teaching Arabic in public and private schools, serving as a linguistic consultant in institutions requiring such expertise, working as a language proofreader in printing presses and publishing houses, and taking roles as a broadcaster, editor, or language proofreader in media outlets.

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First Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٦
Morphology ٤
Rhetoric (Al-Bayan and Al-Badi') ٤
Arabic Literature Before Islam ٦
Expression and Composition ٤
Sciences of the Qur'an and Rules of Recitation ٤
Psychology ٤
Human Rights ٤
Foundations of Education ٤
Computers ٤
Second Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٦
Islamic Literature ٦
Morphology ٤
Rhetoric (Al-Ma'ani) ٤
Arabic prosody ٤
Text Analysis ٤
The Ancient Book ٤
English language ٤
Psychology ٤
Secondary Education ٤
Computers ٤
Third Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٦
Abbasid Literature ٦
Andalusian Literature ٤
Ancient Arabic Criticism ٦
The Ancient Book ٤
Linguistics ٤
Research Methodology ٤
Teaching Methods ٤
Educational Guidance ٤
Hadith and its Terminology ٤
Fourth Stage
Course Name No. of Units
Grammar ٦
The Jurisprudence of Language ٤
Modern Literary Criticism ٦
Modern Literature (Poetry) ٤
Modern Literature (Prose) ٤
Literary Applications ٤
Research Project ٤
Literary Applications ٤
Measurement and Evaluation ٤
Observation and Application ٤
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Website Name



 Literary Books Website

This website features the best books in Arabic literature. These books are considered fundamental to the foundation of the Arabic language and its literature.


Al-Noor Library Website

This website offers everything related to the Arabic language, both ancient and modern. It is easy to download and fast at the same time.


Neel & Furat Website

This website selects strategies for learning the Arabic language, whether for native speakers, non-native speakers, or beginners as well.


Al-Mawsoo'a Al-Shamila Website

This vast and comprehensive website offers books on language, literature, rhetoric, poetry collections, rare words, dictionaries, as well as works on Islamic jurisprudence, grammar, and morphology.


Adab Website

This website specializes in studies and research related to modern Arabic literature, including poetry, short stories, novels, novellas, prose poetry, as well as creative writing in these literary genres.


Books Library Website

This website offers easy downloading of Arabic novels, as well as global novels, allowing readers to explore the transformations that modern novels have undergone, leading them to a qualitative shift towards modernism and postmodernism.


Huroof Website

On this website, we can access books dedicated to the Arabic language and its literature.


Fulla Kitab Website

On this website, we can find modern books in contemporary Arabic creativity, and we also have the opportunity to publish the books we wish to share.


Shaghaf Website

This website is one of the best platforms for easily downloading Arabic books. It focuses on modern literary creations that reflect the cultural scene in the Arab world.


Diwan Al-Arab Website

It is an encyclopedia of Arabic poetry, with an app available for smartphones and tablets that does not require an internet connection. The site contains over 79,000 poems by more than 500 poets, spanning across eleven different periods, from the pre-Islamic era to the modern period.

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Students Name

Research Title

Supervisor Name


Hussein Izz al-Din Mohsen

Surah At-Takathur – An Analytical Study

Prof. Dr. Khazal Fathi Zidan


Rezin Saleh Hassan

The Poem of Al-Mutanabbi's Eulogy for His Grandmother – A Linguistic Study

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hussein


Ammar Salem Bakkouz

Linguistic Competence

Asst. Lect. Rafed Omar Sheet


Yildiz Mahmoud Hadi

Al-Tanween (The Nunation) and Its Meaning

Dr. Haidar Mahmoud Abdulrazzaq


Tamara Jamal Ghanem

Common Errors – Presentation and Analysis

Asst. Lect. Noor Walied

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