Alnoor University - College of Education
Department of Computer Science

About the Department

The Computer Science Department aspires to be one of the most distinguished departments academically, capable of graduating outstanding students in an open competitive market. It also aims to advance scientific research to enhance the effectiveness of education and improve the exceptional knowledge of faculty members.

Department Objectives

Preparing and qualifying specialists to meet the demands of the labor market in both the public and private sectors in computer science by diversifying learning and teaching methods, training students to apply acquired knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems, and creating a suitable environment for students that enables them to apply their knowledge and skills in identifying societal needs, addressing challenges, and tackling computing-related social issues. Providing distinguished academic programs in computer science, both theoretical and practical, that align with global academic quality standards and fulfill labor market requirements. Encouraging and promoting scientific research in computer science in general, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence, robotics, computational linguistics, and networks. Creating a motivating environment for faculty members to enhance their educational and research knowledge and skills. Building and developing partnerships with government sectors, private entities, and all community institutions.

Department Mission

The Computer Science Education Department contributes to fulfilling the academic mission and is committed to preparing a distinguished caliber of graduates with an academic background that combines essential knowledge and skills required in the labor market while adhering to ethics and values.

Department Vision

The department aspires to strengthen the creativity of computer science students, ensuring its application goes beyond general life purposes to cultivating generations of innovators in all fields of computing and data security, reflecting the level of creativity found in advanced nations.

Graduate Description

Upon graduation, the student is awarded a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Education. The department is committed to keeping pace with the latest scientific and practical advancements in information technology and computing. It aims to supply society with graduates capable of teaching and contributing to the advancement and enhancement of the educational process through the use of computer technologies, as well as providing skilled professionals to work across various sectors.

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First Stage
Units Practical Theoretical Subject Code Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic
6 2 2 EDCO23M101 Logic Design تصميم المنطقي
6 2 2 EDCO23M102 Programming in C++ C++برمجة
6 2 2 EDCO23M103 Computer Organization تركيب الحاسوب
6 3 EDCO23M104 Mathematics رياضيات
6 3 EDCO23M105 Discrete Mathematics هياكل متقطعة
4 2 EDCO23M106 Psychology Psychology
4 2 EDCO23M107 Basics of Education Foundations of Education
4 2 EDCO23M108 Arabic Language Arabic Language
2 1 EDCO23M109 University Culture Human Rights
2 1 EDCO23M110 English Language English language
46 6 20 Total

Second Stage

Units Practical Theoretical Subject Code Name of the Subject in English Name of the Subject in Arabic
6 2 2 EDCO23M201 Microprocessors معالجات مايكروية
6 2 2 EDCO23M202 Numerical Analysis تحليل عددي
6 2 2 EDCO23M203 Data Structure هياكل بيانات
6 2 2 EDCO23M204 Object Oriented Programming البرمجة الكيانية
6 2 2 EDCO23M205 Database قواعد البيانات
4 3 EDCO23M206 Computations Theory احتسابية
4 2 EDCO23M207 Scientific Research Research Methodology
4 2 EDCO23M208 Scondary Teaching تعليم الثانوي
2 2 EDCO23M209 Psychology of Growth Growth Psychology
2 1 EDCO23M210 English language English language
2 1 EDCO23M211   Baathist Crimes
52 10 21 Total
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NoWebsite NameLink
An open-access library featuring academic research in computer science.
2Google Scholar
For searching research papers and books in the fields of computer science.
Google Scholar
3ACM Digital Library
A library featuring research papers and articles from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
ACM Digital Library
4Reddit - r/learnprogramming
A forum for exchanging experiences and questions about learning programming.
Reddit - r/learnprogramming
It offers courses on deep learning and machine learning.

Introductory Videos about the Department

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